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Frequently Asked Questions
How do I become a member?Individuals become members by registering and paying a Kshs 1,000 registration fee. Members are encouraged to become shareholders by purchasing a minimum of 250 shares at Kshs 20 per share.
How is PAVI governed?PAVI meticulously upholds the Co-operative Societies Act (2008) in its governance framework. Our distinguished Board of Directors, comprising 12 members representing distinct farming zones, ensures the effective functioning of the cooperative. Directors are elected through a democratic process during the Annual Delegate Meeting (ADM).
Does PAVI have any pipeline projects?Maize Milling: Adding value to maize produced by farmers, ensuring guaranteed marketing and income generation. Cotton Ginning: Estimate to commence in early 2025, this project introduces additional products through value addition to the cotton produced in the coast region significantly increasing farmers' earnings.
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